Running for health has many health benefits.

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Running increases endorphin levels. which is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel good Releases neurotransmitters of happiness Running stimulates the body to release happy neurotransmitters such as endorphins. and dopamine which has the quality of making you feel happy relieve stress and reduce anxiety relieve stress Running is an exercise that helps relieve stress. reduce anxiety and helps you sleep better. (benefits)

Running for exercise should be a low speed run. And take a long time, at least 20 minutes or more, to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Prevent metabolic diseases Including the impact from running will help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. However, the first impact that is repeated May cause injury. Shoes with the right features for running will help prevent injuries. (benefits)

Features of running shoes

The first important feature of running shoes is that they have a thick heel and thin toe. Because the thick heel will not only help absorb shock. It also helps to slow down the impact force transmitted to the body. and spread to a wider area of ​​tissue Reduces the risk of injury from impacts applied to the foot. The thin tip helps distribute the force of the body as it moves forward. Therefore there is no part of the foot. Receiving too much pressure until it hurts. Report by สมัคร ufabet

Nowadays, running for health is becoming more and more popular. Because there is no hassle about the location. and readiness of the group Because you can run for your health alone. But if you are heavy and have never run before It is recommend that you start by walking first and gradually change to walking quickly. Then it will be running. Running is a gradual exercise. Increase body endurance The goal of running is not speed but distance. and consistency in running Therefore it will benefit the work of the heart and lungs.

Benefits of running: Build muscle and bone strength, burn calories Helps lose weight, Prevent illness from certain types of diseases, Reduce stress, Helps to remember better, Better sleep quality, build confidence

Those who are new to running It should take about 15 minutes every other day. Until you feel more comfortable and not tired, then increase it to 30 minutes and 4-5 times a week. One day you may be able to run about 5 kilometers or more.

All runners are at risk for injury from exercise. Therefore, you must be careful every time before running. There must be a warm-up to warm the body first. Stretching to prevent ligament and muscle injuries. and drink enough water to drink Especially if the weather is hot. Drinking a lot of water Both before and after running It will help reduce dehydration.